Get out in the fresh air with your students - outdoor learning can provide endless opportunities for experiential, contextual and applied education.
As we ease our way into the summer term, the warmer and sunnier days should hopefully be showing up with more regularity. So with these warmer days, outdoor learning can be embraced by all.
According to the Institute for Outdoor Learning, learning outdoors can improve attainment, increase engagement, develop problem solving and strengthen communication and resilience skills.
Forest schools and Nature Friendly Schools are fantastic initiatives, but whether you’re in an inner city school or in a more rural setting, all schools have access to an outdoor space where the curriculum can be combined with fresh air to maximise learning potential.
In 2016 the Department of Education published a report on the findings of a four-year study into the impact of teaching more lessons outside – specifically, turning the outdoors into an extension of the classroom. Some key findings from the report include:
- Teachers reported that 92% of pupils were more engaged with the lesson subject
- 95 % of children surveyed said outdoor learning makes lessons more enjoyable
- 72 % of schools reported that outdoor learning had a positive impact on teachers’ health and wellbeing
If you feel inspired to get out and about with your pupils, take a look at the resource links below.
IOL – Outdoor learning INSET guide
Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
This post was featured by Twinkl in their ‘Creativity in Children blog’