September is the fresh new start of every school year and preparation is the key to success!
Preparing for September may not be at the top of everyone’s list right now, but we’ll have you covered when you’re ready to plan.
As summer hits, everyone working in education is on the final push to see their pupils through exam season, completing all teaching units and finally setting their sights on a well deserved break.
But once the dust settles and classrooms are put to bed for 6 weeks, you can allow yourself a little time to plan for the next year…
1. Review your previous year’s curriculum
Take a look at the teaching materials and strategies that you used last year. Take note of what worked well and what did not. Identify those areas in which your students struggled or excelled. This can help you to assess what changes you can make to improve your teaching and better meet your students’ needs.
2. Attend Professional Development Conferences
Professional development workshops and conferences can help you to access new ideas and teaching strategies. They can also help you to network with other educators and receive support from colleagues. Look up conferences that are relevant to your subject area, or general teaching pedagogy, and sign up for them.
SupplyWell often provide free CPD events – follow SupplyWell on eventbrite to join us for regular free events.
We have a wide range of CPD resources available on our blog – check these out:
- How to use metacognition in the classroom
- 4 Ways supply teachers can use chatGPT to enhance teaching
3. Organise your classroom
A well-organised classroom is conducive to learning and makes your job easier. Once school starts, you should have a plan in place to keep the classroom orderly and functional. Use this time to set up your classroom, organise your materials and resources, and make sure everything is ready for your pupils.
If you’re a supply teacher, you can prepare your resources so that you’re always prepared to walk into any classroom with lessons & teaching resources ready to go.
Check these resources out:
- 5 Top Questions Every Supply Teacher Should Ask When Starting A New Role
- Supply Teacher Resources – What’s In Your Bag?
4. Set goals for the year
It is important to set strategic goals for your students, yourself, and your school. Consider what you want to achieve for the school year, and create specific goals to help you achieve those objectives. Involve your colleagues and school leaders in this process to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
5. Connect with Students and Parents
Make sure you have a strategy to connect with your students and their parents early on in the school year. This can help you to build a positive relationship with them, and it can help you to address any concerns or issues early on. You can use email, phone, or in-person meetings to keep in touch and keep everyone informed.
6. Stay connected & up-to-date
Subscribe to the SupplyWell newsletter (scroll further down page to sign-up) for more CPD and teaching resources as well as the latest news and developments in the world of education.
Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @supply_well
Preparing for a new school year can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By taking the time to evaluate your previous year’s teaching strategies, setting goals, and organising your classroom, you can set yourself up for a successful year.
Remember to connect with your students and their parents as well. Doing so can have a positive impact on your teaching, and can help your students to have a successful and enjoyable school year.