Do you use music in the classroom? Take a look at these great musical notes to help you bring a little extra dimension to your days.
Music can have a massive impact on our day to day lives – it can lift moods, change energy levels or work to calm us down or help focus on a task. With so many different ways to use music, we’ve put together a list of creative ways to use music in your classroom.
Music to walk into the classroom
Set the tone of the day with music as your pupils enter their class. Music can be used to tie in with a topic or subject or simply a familiar tune to ease the children into their daily routines.
Music for transitions
Transitions can be tricky, adding music to the mix can create a smoother transition period and reduce potential noise and disruptions.
Music for brain breaks
Some lessons can be full on – periods of concentration and new information can be a challenge for pupils and teachers alike. Try out some fresh energising music to take a break from the lesson and refresh mindsets.
Background music can boost concentration
In creative lessons such as art or Design and Technology, where pupils have a chance to be expressive in their learning, music can add an element of calm and focus.
Music in your planning
Exploring music and the lyrics to songs can be a fantastic way to explore language, rhyme and poetry. Choosing a song that pupils may be familiar with and taking a closer look at the meaning in the lyrics can foster a greater focus and understanding of a topic.
Music Mark – 10 Things Schools Should Know About Music
This post was featured by Twinkl in their ‘Creativity in Children blog’